Pietro Rigo Dipartimento
di Matematica “F. Casorati” Via Ferrata, 1 – 27100 Pavia - Italia Phone:
+39 0382 985 625 Fax: +39 0382 985 602 email pietro.rigounipv.it |
Short Bio Born in Arezzo in 1958. Graduated in
statistics at the University of Siena in 1982. PhD (Dottorato di
Ricerca) in statistics at the University of Padova in 1989. From 1989 to 2000, as assistant and then
as associate professor, at the University of Firenze. Currently, full
professor of probability and mathematical statistics (SSD MAT/06) at the
Department of Mathematics, University of Pavia. Research interests (in alphabetical order)
Bayesian statistics,
Conditional probability (classical and based on the notion of coherence), Convergence of probability measures (weak and stable), Disintegrability, Empirical processes, Equivalent martingale measures,
Exchangeability, Finite additive probabilities, Integral representation of functionals,
Random probability measures,
Skorohod representation theorem.
Curriculum Vitae pdf (including
a complete list of publications) |
Teaching Probabilita’: Corso
di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica. Processi Stocastici: Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Matematica. Probabilita’ e
Statistica: Corso di Laurea Triennale in Economia (CLEC/EMF) Probability and Stochastic Processes: Corso di
Laurea Magistrale in Economia (MEFI) Convergence of probability measures: Dottorato
di Ricerca in Matematica (Universita’ di Pavia,
Milano Bicocca, ed INDAM) Texts of some written
examinations (Complementi di analisi matematica e
statistica, Ingegneria industriale): 2/2/2016, 17/2/2016,
17/6/2016, 4/7/2016,
19/7/2016, 19/9/2016,
2/2/2017, 20/2/2017,
16/6/2017, 3/7/2017,
20/7/2017, 18/9/2017,
8/2/2018, 28/2/2018 Selected publications (in reverse chronological
Rigo P. (2019) A note on duality
theorems in mass transportation, Journal of Theoretical Probability, to
Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2019) On
the existence of continuous processes with given one-dimensional
distributions, Electronic Communications in Probability, to appear. Berti P. Dreassi E. Rigo P.
(2019) A notion of conditional
probability and some of its consequences, Decisions in Economics and
Finance, to appear.
Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2019) Total
variation bounds for Gaussian functionals,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 129, 2231-2248. Puccetti G. Rigo P. Wang B. Wang R. (2019) Centers of probability measures
without the mean, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 32, 1482-1501. Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2018) Convergence
in total variation to a mixture of Gaussian laws, Mathematics, Special
Issue “Stochastic Processes with Applications”, 6, 99. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2018) Asymptotic predictive inference with
exchangeable data, Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 32,
815-833. Berti P. Miranda E. Rigo P. (2017) Basic ideas underlying conglomerability and disintegrability,
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 88, 387-400. Dreassi E.
Rigo P. (2017) A note on
compatibility of conditional autoregressive models, Statistics and
Probability Letters, 125, 9-16. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2017) Rate of convergence of
empirical measures for exchangeable sequences, Mathematica Slovaca, 67, 1557-1570. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2017) Asymptotics
of predictive distributions, Advances in Intelligence Systems and
Computing 456 (Ferraro M.B. et al. Eds.) SMPS 2016, Roma, 53-60, Springer. Rigo P. Thorisson H. (2016) Transfer theorems and right-continuous processes,
Theory of Stochastic Processes, 21, 91-95. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2016) Asymptotics for randomly reinforced urns with random
barriers, Journal of Applied Probability, 53, 1206-1220. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2015) A survey on Skorokhod
representation theorem without separability,
Theory of Stochastic Processes, 20, 1-12. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2015) Two versions of the
fundamental theorem of asset pricing, Electronic Journal of Probability,
20, 1-21. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2015) Gluing lemmas and Skorohod representations, Electronic Communications in Probability, 20,
1-11. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2015) Central
limit theorems for an Indian buffet model with random weights,
The Annals of Applied Probability, 25, 523-547. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. Spizzichino F. (2015) Equivalent or absolutely
continuous probability measures with given marginals,
Dependence Modeling, 3, 47-58. Berti P. Dreassi E. Rigo P. (2014) Compatibility results for conditional distributions,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 125, 190-203. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2014) Price uniqueness and
fundamental theorem of asset pricing with finitely additive probabilities,
Stochastics (formerly: Stochastics and Stochastic Reports), 86, 135-146. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2014) A unifying view on some problems in probability and
statistics, Statistical Methods and Applications, 23, 483-500. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2014) An Anscombe-type theorem, Journal of
Mathematical Sciences, 196, 15-22. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2013) Exchangeable sequences driven
by an absolutely continuous random measure, The Annals of Probability, 41, 2090-2102. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2013) A Skorohod
representation theorem without separability,
Electronic Communications in Probability, 18, 1-12. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2013) Finitely additive equivalent martingale measures,
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 26, 46-57. Berti P. Dreassi E. Rigo P. (2013) A consistency theorem for regular conditional distributions,
Stochastics (formerly: Stochastics and Stochastic Reports), 85, 500-509. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2012) Limit theorems for
empirical processes based on dependent data, Electronic Journal of
Probability, 17, 1-18. Berti P. Gori M. Rigo P. (2012) A note on the absurd law of large numbers in economics,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 388, 98-101. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2012) Finitely additive FTAP under an atomic
reference measure, Advances in Computational Intelligence (Greco S. et
al. Eds.) IPMU 2012, Catania, 114-123, Springer. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2011) A central limit
theorem and its applications to multicolor randomly
reinforced urns, Journal of Applied Probability, 48, 527-546. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2011) A Skorohod
representation theorem for uniform distance, Probability Theory and
Related Fields, 150, 321-335. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2010) Central
limit theorems for multicolor urns with dominated colors, Stochastic Processes and their Applications,
120, 1473-1491. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2010) Skorohod
representation theorem via disintegrations, Sankhya,
72, 208-220. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2010) Atomic intersection of sigma-fields and some
of its consequences, Probability Theory and Related Fields, 148, 269-283. Berti P. Crimaldi I. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2009) Rate of
convergence of predictive distributions for dependent data, Bernoulli,
15, 1351-1367. Berti P. Consonni G. Pratelli
L. Rigo P. (2008) Comment: Gibbs
sampling, exponential families and orthogonal polynomials (by P. Diaconis, K. Khare, L. Saloff-Coste), Statistical Science, 23, 179-182. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2008) Trivial intersection of sigma-fields and
Gibbs sampling, The Annals of Probability, 36, 2215-2234. Berti P. Rigo P. (2008) A conditional 0-1 law for the symmetric sigma-field,
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 21, 517-526. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (2007) Modes of convergence in the coherent
framework, Sankhya, 69, 314-329. Berti P. Rigo P. (2007) 0-1
laws for regular conditional distributions, The Annals of Probability,
35, 649-662. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2007) Skorohod
representation on a given probability space, Probability Theory and
Related Fields, 137, 277-288. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2006) Almost sure weak convergence of random probability measures, Stochastics
(formerly: Stochastics and Stochastic Reports), 78, 91-97. Berti P. Rigo P. (2006) Finitely additive
uniform limit theorems, Sankhya, 68, 24-44. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2006) Asymptotic behaviour of the empirical process for exchangeable data,
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 116, 337-344. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2004) Limit theorems for a class of identically distributed random
variables, The Annals of Probability, 32, 2029-2052. Berti P. Rigo P. (2004) Convergence in distribution
of non measurable random elements, The Annals of
Probability, 32, 365-379. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (2003) Integration with respect to Brownian-like processes, Sankhya, 65, 715-732. Berti P. Rigo P. (2003) Bayesian nonparametrics for invariant, non-exchangeable data,
Invited Papers of the 54-th Session of the I.S.I., Berlino,
106-109. Berti P. Rigo P. (2002) On coherent conditional
probabilities and disintegrations, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Intelligence, 35, 71-82. Berti P. Pratelli L. Rigo
P. (2002) Almost sure uniform convergence of empirical distribution
functions, International Mathematical Journal, 2, 1237-1250. Berti P. Mattei A. Rigo
P. (2002) Uniform convergence of empirical and predictive measures, Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita' di Modena, L, 465-477. Berti P. Rigo P. (2002) A uniform limit theorem
for predictive distributions, Statistics and Probability Letters, 56,
113-120. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (2001) Strong previsions of random elements, Statistical Methods and
Applications (Journal of the Italian Statistical Society), 10, 11-28. Berti P. Rigo P. (2000) Integral representation
of linear functionals on spaces of unbounded
functions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 128, 3251-3258. Berti P. Fattorini L. Rigo
P. (2000) Eliminating nuisance parameters: two characterizations, Test, 9,
133-148. Berti P. Fortini S. Ladelli
L. Regazzini E. Rigo P.
(2000) On parametric models for invariant probability measures, Quaderni di Statistica, Vol. 2,
39-57. Berti P. Rigo P. (1999) Existence of non measurable disintegrations, Atti
del Seminario Matematico
e Fisico dell'Universita'
di Modena, XLVII, 65-76. Berti P. Rigo P. (1999) Sufficient conditions
for the existence of disintegrations, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 12,
75-86. Berti P. Rigo P. (1997) A Glivenko-Cantelli
theorem for exchangeable random variables, Statistics and Probability
Letters, 32, 385-391. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (1997) Well-calibrated, coherent forecasting systems, Theory of
Probability and its applications, 42, 82-102. Berti P. Rigo P. (1996) On the existence of
inferences which are consistent with a given model, The Annals of Statistics,
24, 1235-1249. Berti P. Rigo P. (1995) A note on Zenga concentration index, Journal of the Italian
Statistical Society, 4, 397-404. Berti P. Rigo P. (1994) Coherent inferences and
improper priors, The Annals of Statistics, 22, 1177-1194. Berti P. Rigo P. (1993) Coherent predictive
inferences, Invited Papers of the 49th Session of the I.S.I., Firenze, 15-32. Berti P. Rigo P. (1992) Weak disintegrability
as a form of preservation of coherence, Journal of the Italian Statistical
Society, 1, 161-181. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (1992) Finitely additive Radon Nikodym theorem
and concentration function of a probability with respect to a probability,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 114, 1069-1078. Berti P. Regazzini E. Rigo
P. (1991) Coherent statistical inference and Bayes theorem, The Annals of
Statistics, 19, 366-381. Berti P. Rigo P. (1989) Conglomerabilità,
disintegrabilità e coerenza,
Serie Ricerche Teoriche n. 11, Dipartimento Statistico, Università di
Firenze. Rigo P. (1988) Qualitative probabilities, pseudodensities
and improper priors, Quaderni del Dipartimento Statistico n. 29, Università di Firenze. Rigo P. (1988) Un teorema di estensione per probabilità condizionate finitamente
additive, Atti della
XXXIV Riunione Scientifica
della S.I.S., Siena, 27-34. Rigo P. (1987) Two inequalities for the Gini index, Statistica,
anno XLVII, n. 4, 531-541. Submitted Berti P. Rigo P. (2018) Finitely
additive mixtures of probability measures. Berti P. Dreassi E. Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2019) Asymptotics
of certain conditionally identically distributed sequences. Berti P. Dreassi E. Pratelli L. Rigo P. (2019) A predictive approach to
Bayesian nonparametrics Some recent talks Padova, september
2014 Pisa, december
2014 Firenze, december
2014 Modena, june
2015, and Kiev, october
2015 Oxford, july
2015, and Torino, june
2017 Roma, september
2016, and Torino, june
2017 Bologna, may
2018 Milano, september
2018 Perugia, december
2018 Pisa, december
2018 Bologna, march 2019 Last modified march 2019 |