Entropy formulation
of Evolutionary
phase transitions
ERC Starting Independent Researcher
Conferences by E. Rocca:
- September 14, 2011:
Analysis of a
non-isothermal model for nematic liquid crystals, 25th IFIP TC 7
Conference 2011 - System Modeling and Optimization, Berlin (download a PDF).
- April 19, 2012: Weak
formulation of a
degenerating PDE system for phase transitions and damage,
MathProSpeM2012, Roma (download a PDF).
- May 15, 2012: Recent
results on the evolution of liquid crystals flows, WIAS, Berlin (download a PDF).
- June 15, 2012:
Weak formulations of PDEs in thermomechanics, plenary speaker at the 12th
International Conference on Free Boundary Problems Theory and
Applications, Chiemsee, Germany (download
a PDF).
- July 1, 2012:
Degenerating PDE system for phase transitions and damage, at The 9th
AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential
Equations and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, SS2
Nonlinear Evolution PDEs and Interfaces in Applied Sciences (download a
- July 5, 2012: Evolution
of non-isothermal nematic liquid crystals fows, at The 9th AIMS
Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential
Equations and Applications, Orlando, Florida, USA, SS7 Recent Progress
in the Mathematical Theory of Compressible and Incompressible Fluid
Flows (download a PDF).
- September 10, 2012: A
degenerating PDE system for phase transitions and damage:global
existence of weak solutions, at the Meeting Variational Models and
Methods for Evolution, Levico, Trento (download a PDF).
- December 04, 2012: Weak
solutions for a degenerating PDE system for phase transitions and
damage, at the University of Bath, UK (download a PDF).
- January 30, 2013: Weak
formulation of a nonlinear PDE system arising from models of phase
transitions and damage, at the University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
(download a PDF).
- March 27, 2013: Existence and
long-time dynamics of a nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes system with nonconstant mobility, at the Oberwolfach Workshop
``Interfaces and Free Boundaries: Analysis, Contro
and Simulation'', Oberwolfach (Germany) (download a PDF).
- May 14, 2013: Optimal
control of multifrequency
induction hardening, at the IFIP TC 7.2 Workshop Electromagnetics
``Modelling, Simulation, Control and Industrial Applications", WIAS
(Germany) (download a PDF).
- June 29, 2013: Solutions to a
full model for
thermoviscoelastic material, at the Joint International Meeting of the
American Mathematical Society and the Romanian Mathematical
Alba Iulia (Romania). (download a PDF).
- August 27, 2013: A Nonlocal
Model H with Nonconstant Mobility, at the Minisymposium MS13: Coupled
Variants of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation of the Equadiff Conference, 2013, Prague (Czech Republic). (download a PDF).
- October 11, 2013: On a
non-isothermal diffuse interface model for two phase flows of
incompressible fluids, at the ERC-Workshop on Energy/Entropy-Driven
Systems and Applications, Berlin, Germany. (download a PDF).
- January
27, 2014: Entropic solutions for systems of PDEs arising in complex
fluids dynamics, WIAS Colloquium, WIAS, Berlino, Germany. (download a PDF).
- February 26, 2014:
Non-isothermal two phase flows of incompressible fluids, at the
DFG–CNRS Workshop Two-Phase Fluid Flows. Modeling, Analysis, and
Computational Methods, Paris, France. (download a PDF).
- September 9, 2014:
``Entropic'' solutions to a thermodynamically consistent PDE system for
phase transitions and damage, at the STAMM 2014 Meeting, Poitiers,
France. (download a PDF).
- March 13, 2015: ``Optimal control of a nonlocal
convective Cahn-Hilliard equation by the
velocity'', Durham University, UK. (download a PDF).
- April 13, 2015: Choosing the
velocity as control in a nonlocal convective Cahn-Hilliard equation,
Workshop on “Control Theory and related topics”, Politecnico of Milano,
Italy. (download a PDF).
- September 22, 2015: On some diffuse
interface models of tumour growth, Mini Symposium "Mathematics of fluid
interfaces", DMV, Hamburg, Germany. (download a PDF).
- October 27, 2015: Existence of weak
solutions and asymptotics for some diffuse interface models of tumor
growth, WIAS, Berlin, Germany. (download a PDF).
- July 18, 2016: Diffuse interface models in Biology and Mechanics, 7th European Congress of Mathematics, Berlino, Germania. (download a PDF).
- September 14, 2016: Diffuse and sharp interfaces in Biology and Mechanics, SIMAI 2016, Milan Politecnico (download a PDF).
- October 13, 2016: On some diffuse
interface models of multispecies tumor growth, Eleventh Workshop on
Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems,
Constanta, Romania. (download a PDF).
- March 7, 2017: Diffuse interface models in
Biology, Annual Meeting of GAMM - Contributed Session: Applied
Analysis, Weimar, Germany (download a PDF)
Conferences and Posters by M. Eleuteri, S. Frigeri, and Riccardo Scala:
- S. Frigeri: April 20, 2012: Nonlocal
diffuse-interface models for
binary viscous incompressible fluids, MathProSpeM2012, Mathematical
Models and Analytical Problems in Special Materials, INdAM Workshop,
INdAM, Rome (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: July 9-13, 2012: Poster: Nonlocal
diffuse-interface models for binary fluids, EVEQ, Prague (Czech
- S. Frigeri: September 21, 2012: Asymptotic analysis
of some isothermal models for nematic liquid crystal flows, ADMAT2012,
Cortona, Arezzo (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: September 17, 2012: Three different
approaches to the Souza-Auricchio model for shape memory alloys,
ADMAT2012, Cortona, Arezzo (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: January 28, 2013: An introduction about
Shape Memory Alloys: modeling and recent mathematical results,
"Workshop on Optimization, Control Theory and Applications"
(invited)Verona (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: March 11, 2013: Phase transitions and
hysteresis: new perspectives and results, at the "Giornata di Studio:
Prospettive di sviluppo della matematica applicata in Italia 2013 -
Workshop SIMAI Giovani 2013, Roma (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: April 8, 2013: Phase transitions and
hysteresis: new perspectives and results, ITN-Springschool
“Optimization in Partial Differential Equations, Reaction-Diffusion
Systems and Phase-Field Models”, Frejus, France (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri; April 8, 2013: Some recent results on
Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems, ITN-Springschool “Optimization in
Partial Differential
Equations, Reaction-Diffusion Systems and Phase-Field Models”, Frejus,
France (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: May 3-15, 2013: Phase transitions and
hysteresis: new perspectives and results - 9th International Symposium
on Hysteresis Modelling and Micromagnetics -
2013, Taormina (Italy) (invited) (download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: May 23, 2013: Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems with
nonlocal interactions, Nona Giornata di Studio Politecnico di
Milano-Universita' di Pavia, Equazioni Differenziali e
Calcolo delle Variazioni, Pavia, Italy (invited) (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: June 05, 2013: Non-isothermal cyclic
fatigue in oscillating elasto-plastic structures with hysteresis, at
the CNR-IENI, Milano (Italy) (invited)(download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: June 17-22, 2013: On a non-isothermal di
ffuse interface model for two-phase flows of fluids, International
School on "Recent advances in partial differential equations and
applications" Milano (Italy) (download a PDF)
- M. Eleuteri: June 28, 2013: On a non-isothermal di
ffuse interface model for two-phase flows of fluids - SIAM@POLIMI
evento inaugurale del PoliMi SIAM Student Chapter, Milano (Italy)
(download a PDF)
- M. Eleuteri: July 16, 2013: Mathematical modelling of
elastoplastic processes: past, present and future, Universita' del
Sannio, Benevento (Italy) (invited) (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: August 29, 2013: Fatigue accumulation in
oscillating thermoelastoplastic structures with hysteresis, Equadiff,
Prague (invited) (Czech Republic) (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: August 26-30, 2013: Recent results on
nonlocal diffuse-interface models for binary fluids, Equadiff, Prague
(Czech Republic) (invited) (download a PDF).
- M. Eleuteri: September 11, 2013: On a
non-isothermal di ffuse interface model for two-phase flows of fluids,
at the CIRM-ERC Workshop "DIMO-2013 - Diffuse interface models",
Levico Terme - Trento (Italy) (invited) (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: September
11, 2013: Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems with nonlocal
interactions, CIRM-ERC
Workshop "DIMO-2013" Diffuse Interface Models, Levico Terme, Italy (invited) (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: February 19, 2014: On some local and nonlocal
diffuse interface models, WIAS-DAY (download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: March 24, 2014: Asymptotic analysis of an isothermal model for
nematic liquid crystal flow, Two Days Workshop on LC-flows, IMATI-CNR,
Pavia, Italy (invited) (download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: June 24, 2014, Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems with
nonlocal interactions and optimal control, RIPE60- Workshop on Rate
independent processes and Evolution, Prague, Czech Republic (invited) (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: July 7, 2014: Some new results on
nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes systems for incompressible binary
flow, 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations
and Applications, Madrid, Spain (invited) (download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: February 18, 2015: Poster: A diffuse interface model for
two-phase flow with nonlocal interactions, Wias-Day, Berlin, Germany
(download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: March 25, 2015: New results on Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes
systems with nonlocal interactions, GAMM 2015, 86th Annual Meeting of
the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,
Lecce (download a PDF).
- S. Frigeri: April 13, 2015: Recent results on optimal control for
Cahn-Hilliard/Navier-Stokes systems with nonlocal interactions, CONTROL
THEORY & RELATED TOPICS, Politecnico of Milan, Italy (invited) (download a PDF).
- R.
Scala: May 6, 2015: A weak formulation for a dynamic process in
delamination with unilateral constraints, Langenbach Seminar, WIAS,
Berlin, Germany (invited) (download a PDF).
- S.
Frigeri: May 22, 2015: On a diffuse interface model of tumor growth,
Indam-ERC Workshop SMaCS2015, INDAM, Rome (invited) (download a PDF).
- R.
Scala: October 1st, 2015.:A weak formulation for a dynamic process in
delamination with unilateral constraint, University of Lisbon (invited)
(download a PDF).
- R.
Scala, May 26th, 2016: A Gamma convergence approach to a sharp interface
model for tumor growth, (invited) SISSA, Trieste, Italia (download a PDF).
- R.
Scala, February 25, 2016: A Gamma convergence approach to a
sharp-interface limit of a phase transition problem, with application
to a tumor growth model, ERC MomatFlu Workshop, WIAS Berlin.
- R.
Scala, March 8th, 2016: A rate-independent delamination process with
inertial effects and unilateral constraints, (invited) workshop
''variational perspectives'', Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy (download a PDF).