Simon Bergounioux (ENPC)
Simulations numeriques pour la restauration du Pantheon
Yves Berthaud (ENS Cachan)
Corrosion du beton arme et ses consequences
Massimo Fornasier (Linz)
Modern harmonic analysis and PDEs methods for visual art restoration
Roberto Natalini (Roma) 1. Fluid dynamical models for damage monitoring and restoration of cultural heritage 2. Free boundary models of sulphation: swelling and the influence of humidity
Magali Ribot (Nice)
Modeles mathematiques de biofilms a la surface des monuments
Gianni Royer-Carfagni (Parma)
models for quasi brittle fracture mechanics. An application to the
restoration of the French Panthéon in Paris
Jean-Louis Rouet (IST Orléans)
Segmentation of tomographic images and caracterisation of porous media
: application to tuffeau, historical Loire-Valley building stone.