Preprints of G. Sangalli
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- Giancarlo Sangalli, Mattia Tani,
Matrix-free isogeometric analysis: the computationally efficient k-method, arXiv:1712.08565 (2017).
- Monica Montardini, Giancarlo Sangalli, Mattia Tani,
Robust isogeometric preconditioners for the Stokes system based on the Fast Diagonalization method, arXiv:1712.00403 (2017).
- Annabelle Collin, Giancarlo Sangalli, Thomas Takacs,
Analysis-suitable G1 multi-patch parametrizations
for C1 isogeometric spaces, updated version
w.r.t. arXiv:1509.07619 (2016).
- Francesco Calabro, Giancarlo Sangalli, Mattia Tani,
Fast formation of
isogeometric Galerkin matrices by weighted
quadrature, arXiv:1605.01238 (2016).
- Giancarlo Sangalli, Mattia Tani,
preconditioners based on fast solvers for the Sylvester
equation, arXiv:1602.01636 (2016).
- Annabelle Collin, Giancarlo Sangalli, Thomas Takacs,
Analysis-suitable G1 multi-patch parametrizations
for C1 isogeometric spaces, updated version
w.r.t. arXiv:1509.07619 (2016).
- Giancarlo Sangalli, Thomas Takacs, Rafael Vazquez,
Unstructured spline spaces for
isogeometric analysis based on spline manifolds, updated
version w.r.t. arXiv:1507.08477 (2016).