preliminary survey of the bumblebees of the Val Malenco
(version 24 October 2010)
The following is
an account of observations of bumblebees made in the Val Malenco
between 22 and 28
August 2010. The Val Malenco is a side valley of Valtellina (map),
bounded by two major mountain groups, the Bernina range to the north
and the
Disgrazia-Masino-Bregaglia range to the west, and by lesser mountains
to the east. About midway, the valley branches into two forks, the one
of the river Mallero
to the west, and the one of the river Lanterna to the east. Most of the
localities visited lie in the drainage of the Lanterna. In the
literature, there seem to be very few records of bumblebees for the
valley; the only ones I am aware of are a record of Bombus pascuorum, one of B. soroeensis, one of B. sylvarum [2], and one of B. rupestris [6].
On the other hand, given the high diversity of the valley in elevation
(from a few hundred metres to over 4000 m asl), terrain and vegetation,
it was reasonable to expect that it might host an equally diverse
bumblebee community. This has indeed turned out to be the case.
Altogether, I have
observed 23 different species of bumblebees, as detailed in the list
Of the species found, Bombus alpinus,
B. mucidus and B. subterraneus appear to be new
for Lombardy.
Species |
number of localities |
number of individuals |
altitudinal range |
alpinus (Linné, 1758) |
1 |
1 |
2612 |
barbutellus (Kirby, 1802) |
1 |
1 |
1501 |
bohemicus Seidl,1837 |
1 |
1650 |
hortorum (Linné, 1761) |
1 |
943 |
humilis Illiger, 1806 |
943-1501 |
hypnorum (Linné, 1758) |
1 |
1915 |
inexspectatus (Tkalcu, 1963)
1 |
(Linné, 1758) |
5 |
26 |
943-2612 |
(Linné, 1761) |
4 |
6 |
1650-2760 |
mendax Gerstaecker, 1869 |
2 |
2690-2760 |
mesomelas Gerstaecker, 1869 |
4 |
7 |
943-2515 |
monticola Smith, 1849 |
5 |
1600-2760 |
mucidus Gerstaecker, 1869 |
2005-2612 |
pascuorum (Scopoli, 1763) |
3 |
19 |
943-1650 |
pratorum (Linné, 1761) |
1 |
1650 |
pyrenaeus Pérez, 1880 |
7 |
14 |
1980-2760 |
ruderarius (Müller, 1776) |
1 |
1 |
2410 |
rupestris (Fabricius, 1793) |
2 |
943-2612 |
sichelii Radoszkowski, 1860 |
2 |
4 |
1650-2690 |
soroeensis (Fabricius, 1777) |
4 |
26 |
1600-1980 |
subterraneus (Linné, 1758) |
1 |
2385 |
sylvestris (Lepeletier, 1832) |
1 |
3 |
1650 |
wurflenii Radoszkowski, 1860 |
6 |
2315-2690 |
sp. Popov, 1931
1 |
1 |
943 |
It is virtually certain that this list is incomplete. Other species to
be expected are B. terrestris,
perhaps B. sylvarum and B. argillaceus, which
has been recorded in nearby localities of the Valtellina , and probably other Psithyrus, notably B. campestris, B. quadricolor and B. flavidus. B cryptarum is also a possibility.
Perhaps the most remarkable finding of my exploration of the Val
Malenco is the presence of B.
alpinus, B. mucidus
and B. subterraneus,
none of which had been previously reported from Lombardy. On the other
hand, all three have been recorded just north of
the Bernina range in the upper Engadin, whose bumblebee fauna is in
fact almost identical to
the one encountered in the higher elevations of the Val Malenco [ 1]. In
particular, B. mucidus has
been found to be common in the latter above 2000 m. This is somewhat
puzzling in
view of the fact that accurate searches carried out, for instance, in
the Adamello Alps [ 4]
or in the Orobic Alps [ 3]
have failed to reveal the presence of the species in the alpine portion
of Lombardy south of the Valtellina. The other two species have been
found as single specimens, B. alpinus
at high elevation near the edge of the glaciated core of the Bernina
massif, and B. subterraneus
in the gently sloping, extensive alpine prairies of the Val
Poschiavina. Near the place
where the specimen of B.
subterraneus, a typical worker of the subspecies latreillellus,
was found, I saw a
large dark bumblebee which I could not determine but that looked like a
queen of the dark form of subterraneus.
This form is also present in the Engadin.
B. gerstaeckeri has not
been found. One reason might be that, in the localities I visited, Aconitum, on which it specializes,
is very scarce and never occurs in large aggregations. On the other
hand, the species is known from the Poschiavo valley immediately to the
east of the area considered here [ 1], and hence more exhaustive
searches might reveal its presence also in the Val Malenco. By
contrast, B. inexspectatus
has been found in the valley. This, together with the recent discovery
of other localities for the species in Lombardy and Valle d'Aosta,
confirms me in my impression that inexspectatus
is widely distributed, and not too uncommon, in the Italian Alps.
A final remark concerns the two individuals listed above as B. barbutellus and " Allopsithirus
sp.". They are both rather worn queens, quite dark,
with relatively short hair and lightly infuscated wings. The first
individual shows well-defined, though very narrow, light bands on
collar and scutellum, and has long enough hair, particularly in the
posterior fringes of the hindlegs, for me to classify it as barbutellus.
The second individual appears virtually all dark, except for scattered
hairs on collar and scutellum and small yellowish lateral patches on T4
and T5, and seems to have shorter hair; nevertheless, I am inclined to
consider it just a melanic specimen of barbutellus. However, it is too
worn for me to risk a precise diagnosis, hence the classification just
under the old subgeneric name of Allopsithyrus.
1. Amiet F. 1996. Hymenoptera Apidae, 1. Teil. Allgemeiner Teil,
Gattungsschlüssel, die Gattungen Apis,
Bombus und Psithyrus. Insecta Helvetica
(Fauna) 12: 98 pp.
2. Bolchi Serini G., Marianelli P. 1994. La collezione di Bombus Latr. del Museo Civico di
Storia Naturale di Milano. Boll.
Zool. Agr. Bachic., Ser II, 26
(1): 1-26.
3. Cornalba M. 2010. Bumblebees of the upper Brembo valley (Lombardy,
Italy). Available online at: http://www-dimat.unipv.it/cornalba/bombi/
4. Intoppa F., Moreschi I., Piazza M.G.,
Bolchi Serini G. 1995. Bombus
Latreille e Psithyrus
Lepeletier del
"Parco Naturale dell'Adamello" (Hymenoptera Apidae Bombinae). Boll. Zool. Agr. Bachic., Ser II, 31 (2): 167-178.
5. Intoppa F., Piazza M.G., Ricciardelli
D'Albore G. 1995. Catalogo bibliografico delle specie di Bombidae
(Hymenoptera Apoidea) segnalate per l'Italia. Apicoltura 10, supplemento. pp. 135.
6. Magretti P. 1881. Sugli Imenotteri della Lombardia. Memoria I. Boll. Soc. ent. ital. XIII:
3-42; 89-123; 213-273.
Specimens, localities and foraging plants
Species |
and foraging plants |
alpinus (Linné, 1758) |
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum
barbutellus (Kirby, 1802) |
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 1 queen; on Trifolium pratense
bohemicus Seidl,1837 |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 1
male; on Centaurea sp.
hortorum (Linné, 1761) |
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 1 worker; on Trifolium pratense
Illiger, 1806 |
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 1 worker, 1 male; on Trifolium pratense, Impatiens glandulifera
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 3 workers, 2 males; on Trifolium pratense
(Linné, 1758) |
trail to Alpe Ventina, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.300497 N 9.776544 E; 1915 m; 26.8.2010; 2 workers; on Epilobium angustifolium
inexspectatus (Tkalcu, 1963)
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 1 male; on Centaurea sp.
(Linné, 1758) |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 3
workers, 2 males; on Centaurea sp.
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 10 workers; on Trifolium pratense, Impatiens glandulifera Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 1 worker; on Centaurea sp.
val Poschiavina, Lanzada (SO); 46.299997 N 9.995067 E; 2410 m; 25.8.2010; 5 workers; on Cirsium spinosissimum
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
3 workers; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
(Linné, 1761) |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 1
male; on Centaurea sp. Passo di Canciano, Lanzada (SO); 46.297339 N 9.991347 E; 2515 m; 25.8.2010; 3 workers; on Anthillis vulneraria
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.343914 N 9.907133 E; 2760 m; 28.8.2010; 1 queen; on Cirsium spinosissimum
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
mendax Gerstaecker, 1869 |
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.343914 N 9.907133 E; 2760 m; 28.8.2010; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.342750 N 9.907381 E; 2690 m; 28.8.2010; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum
mesomelas Gerstaecker, 1869 |
Alpe Palù di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N
9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 3 workers; on Trifolium sp., Cirsium sp.
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 1 worker; on Trifolium pratense
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 1 worker; on Trifolium pratense
Passo di Canciano, Lanzada (SO); 46.297339 N 9.991347 E; 2515 m; 25.8.2010; 2 workers; on Anthillis vulneraria
Smith, 1849 |
Chiareggio, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.317539 N 9.796133 E; 1600 m; 23.8.2010; 1 worker; on Epilobium angustifolium
Ventina, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.296267 N 9.778233 E; 1980 m;
23.8.2010; 1 male; on Epilobium angustifolium Passo di Canciano, Lanzada (SO); 46.297339 N 9.991347 E; 2515 m; 25.8.2010; 1 queen, 3 workers; on Trifolium badium, Anthillis vulneraria
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.343914 N 9.907133 E; 2760 m; 28.8.2010; 1 queen; on Cirsium spinosissimum
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
Gerstaecker, 1869 |
Campagneda, Lanzada (SO); 46.299194 N 9.943075 E; 2156 m, 25.8.2010; 1
worker; on Carduus defloratus Piano di Campagneda, Lanzada (SO); 46.297500 N 9.964339 E; 2315 m; 25.8.2010; 3 workers, 1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum
lago di Alpe Gera, Lanzada (SO); 46.315261 N 9.950342 E; 2140 m; 25.8.2010; 2 workers; on Cirsium spinosissimum
lago di Campomoro, Lanzada (SO); 46.310994 N 9.943572 E; 2005 m; 25.8.2010; 1 worker; on Epilobium fleischeri
trail to Rifugio Bignami, Lanzada (SO); 46.319394 N 9.941900 E; 2170 m; 27.8.2010; 1 queen, 1 worker; on Carduus defloratus, Lotus corniculatus
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
pascuorum (Scopoli, 1763) |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 3
workers; on Trifolium sp.
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 10 workers; on Trifolium pratense, Impatiens glandulifera
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; 3 workers; on Trifolium pratense
(Linné, 1761) |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 2
workers, 1 male; on Cirsium palustre
Pérez, 1880 |
Ventina, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.296267 N 9.778233 E; 1980 m;
23.8.2010; 2 workers; on Epilobium angustifolium Piano di Campagneda, Lanzada (SO); 46.297500 N 9.964339 E; 2315 m; 25.8.2010; 1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum
Passo di Campagneda, Lanzada (SO); 46.301850 N 9.984528 E; 2632 m; 25.8.2010; 1 male; on Campanula scheuchzeri
Alpe Fellaria, Lanzada (SO); 46.329578 N 9.947992 E; 2410 m; 27.8.2010; 2
males; on Cirsium spinosissimum
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.343914 N 9.907133 E; 2760 m; 28.8.2010; 2 males; on Cirsium spinosissimum
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.342750 N 9.907381 E; 2690 m; 28.8.2010; 1 worker, 1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
2 workers, 2 males; on Cirsium
spinosissimum |
(Müller, 1776) |
Fellaria, Lanzada (SO); 46.329578 N 9.947992 E; 2410 m; 27.8.2010; 1 male;
on Cirsium spinosissimum |
rupestris (Fabricius, 1793) |
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 1 queen; on Trifolium pratense
delle Forbici, Lanzada (SO); 46.329858 N 9.901619 E; 2612 m; 28.8.2010;
1 male; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
Radoszkowski, 1860 |
Alpe Palù
di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N 9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 3
workers; on Centaurea sp.
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.342750 N 9.907381 E; 2690 m; 28.8.2010; 1 queen; on Cirsium spinosissimum
soroeensis (Fabricius, 1777) |
Alpe Palù di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N
9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; ssp. proteus;
1 queen, 10 workers, 10 males; on Centaurea sp.
Chiareggio, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.317539 N 9.796133 E; 1600 m; 23.8.2010; ssp. proteus; 1 male; on Epilobium angustifolium
Alpe Ventina, Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.296267
N 9.778233 E; 1980 m; 23.8.2010; ssp. proteus; 1 male; on Epilobium angustifolium
Franscia, Lanzada (SO); 46.292706 N 9.912006 E; 1501 m; 24.8.2010; ssp. proteus; 2 workers, 1 male; on Centaurea sp.
subterraneus (Linné, 1758) |
val Poschiavina, Lanzada (SO); 46.304381 N 9.992286 E; 2385 m; 25.8.2010; ssp. latreillellus; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum |
sylvestris (Lepeletier, 1832) |
Alpe Palù di Caspoggio, Lanzada (SO); 46.291533 N
9.919958 E; 1650 m; 22.8.2010; 2 queens, 1 male; on Centaurea sp., Cirsium
palustre |
wurflenii Radoszkowski, 1860 |
Piano di Campagneda, Lanzada (SO); 46.297500 N 9.964339 E; 2315 m; 25.8.2010; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum
Passo di Canciano, Lanzada (SO); 46.297339 N 9.991347 E; 2515 m; 25.8.2010; 3 workers; on Anthillis vulneraria
val Poschiavina, Lanzada (SO); 46.299997 N 9.995067 E; 2410 m; 25.8.2010; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum
trail to Capanna Marinelli, Lanzada (SO); 46.342750 N 9.907381 E; 2690 m; 28.8.2010; 1 worker; on Cirsium spinosissimum
sp. Popov, 1931
Chiesa in Valmalenco (SO); 46.269097 N 9.854375 E; 943 m; 23.8.2010; 1 queen; on Trifolium pratense |
Addendum 29/12/2024. Bombus gerstaeckeri has been observed
by Maurizio Mei before 2010 at Alpe Fora, within the study area (M. Mei, personal communication 2011).