Richard Thomas' lectures at Pavia

"Counting curves in algebraic varieties"

Tue. 26 and Wed. 27 March 2013

We will hold a research meeting for ERC StG 307119 at Pavia, Mon. 25 to Fri. 29 March 2013. In this framework Prof. Richard P. Thomas (Imperial College, London) has agreed to give some public lectures. Here you may find a poster.

  • Title: Counting curves in algebraic varieties. General description: "I will give a tour of curve counting and the MNOP (Maulik-Nekrasov-Okounkov-Pandharipande) conjecture, trying to keep things very basic."

  • Lectures I & II: Tue. 26 March 2013, 16:00 - 16:55 and 17:05 - 18:00 . Topics: 1. MNOP: stable maps v ideal sheaves. 2. Stable pairs.

  • Lectures III & IV: Wed. 27 March 2013, 11:00 - 11:55 and 12:05 - 13:00 . Topics: 3. BPS (Gopakumar-Vafa invariants) invariants. 4. Surfaces and the Goettsche conjecture.

  • The lectures will take place in the Aula Beltrami, Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati", Pavia. All times are sharp.

  • Limited funds are available to cover travel and accommodation expenses for external visitors. Please contact jacopo[dot]stoppa[at]unipv[dot]it as soon as possible.

  • Additional lecture (given by myself): Wed. 27 March 2013, 09:30 - 10:30, Sala Riunioni, piano C. Title: "The refined tropical vertex".