Prof. Matteo Negri
Università degli Studi di Pavia
Dipartimento di Matematica
Via Ferrata 1 - 27100 Pavia - Italy
Ufficio E21
email matteo {dot} negri [at] unipv {dot} it
email prof {dot} matteo {dot} negri [at] universitadipavia {dot} it
Corsi a.a. 2024/25
Ricevimento studenti: su appuntamento.
- Field: Calculus of Variations.
- Subjects: Free Discontinuity Problems, Γ- convergence, BV and BD spaces, Rate-Independent Evolutions, Gradient Flows, Finite Element Methods.
- Applications: Fracture Mechanics, Finite and Linearized Elasticity, Image Segmentation.
Recent Publications
- B. Grossman-Ponemon, A. Lew, M. Negri
Analysis of a Method to Compute Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors for Non-Planar Cracks in Three-Dimensions.
ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 57 (2023) 1195-1223
- L. Greco, A. Patton, M. Negri, A. Marengo, U. Perego, A. Reali
Higher order phase-field modeling of brittle fracture via Isogeometric Analysis.
Eng. Comp. (2024)
- M. Negri
Homogenization of Griffith's Criterion for brittle Laminates.
Archive Rational Mech. Anal.
[arXiv] [journal]
- M. Negri
Modelling paintings on canvas and simulation of local crack patterns.
Mathematical Modeling in Cultural Heritage. Springer INdAM Series
- B. Grossman-Ponemon, E. Maggiorelli, A.J. Lew, M. Negri
How do cracks in brittle materials evolve, and how do we compute them?
IACM Expressions #54
- L. Greco, E. Maggiorelli, M. Negri, A. Patton, A. Reali
AT1 fourth-order isogeometric phase-field modeling of brittle fracture.
Recent and forthcoming conferences
- Stress and crack patterns in paintings on canvas
MACH23 (Rome, 2023)
- Phase-field evolutions generated by staggered minimization schemes
Variational Models for Material Failure (Erlangen, 2023)
- Evolutionary Gamma-convergence and homogenization of brittle fracture
Variational and Geometric Structures for Evolution (Levico Terme, 2023)
- Griffith’s criterion for sharp crack and phase field fracture
FRASCAL colloquium (online)
- Energy release and Griffith’s criterion for phase field fracture
Fracture as an emergent phenomenon (Oberwolfach, 2024)
- Fracture Mechanics: from Analysis to Applications
Spring Workshop COMPMAT (Pavia, 2024)
- Evolutionary Gamma-convergence and effective toughness in brittle periodic laminates
International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems (Gaeta, 2024)
- Griffith's criterion for sharp crack and phase field fracture
Italian-Japanese Workshop on Variational Perspectives for PDEs (Pavia, 2024)
- Rate-independent evolutions in phase-field fracture generated by equilibrium configurations
Nečas Seminar on Continuum Mechanics (Prague, Charles University, 2024)
A couple of numerical result
Segmentation of a noisy image (a detail from "La dama
dell'ermellino" by L. Da Vinci) using Mumford-Shah functional.
Craquelure patterns in pottery (simulations of local qualitative features developed in FreeFem++)