From 1/11/98 to 31/3/2000 C.N.R. grant to do my research at Universitaet Goettingen under the supervision of prof. F. Catanese.
From 1/10/97 to 1/10/98: research contract at the University of Goettingen.
- School-conference C.I.R.M. Trends in Algebraic Geometry, Applications and Relations with Physics Levico Terme, 3 - 13 September 1996: Monodromies of generic real algebraic functions.
Meeting Algebraic Geometry in Europe Berlin, Humboldt Universitaet,
5-8 December 1996:
Monodromies of generic real
algebraic functions.
- University
of Siena Giornate di geometria algebrica e argomenti correlati IV
20/5/1998 - 23/5/1998:
Real algebraic curves, real algebraic functions
and their monodromies.
- 09/10/2001 - 11/10/2001 Series of three talks at University of Roma I: Superficie algebriche reali.
- March 2002 two talks at the IMAR in Bucarest: Real algebraic surfaces.
- 19/04/2002 University of Roma Tor Vergata: Superficie algebriche reali.
- 7/5/2003 Universitaet Bayreuth: The Enriques-Kodaira classification of real surfaces.
- 29/6/03-5/7/03 Conference "Conformal Geometry, Discrete Groups and Surfaces" Bedlewo, Poland: Real Kodaira surfaces.
- 2/9/03-10/9/03 CIME Course on "Symplectic 4-Manifolds and Algebraic Surfaces" Cetraro: The real Enriques-Kodaira classification of surfaces.
- 03/03/2004 University of Pisa: Superficie di Kodaira reali.
- 18/11/2004 University of Roma 3: Fibrati principali olomorfi in tori su tori.
- 12/01/2005 Universitaet Bayreuth: Real torus bundles.
- 10/06/2005 International Mediterranean Congress of Mathematics Almeria 2005: Principal holomorphic torus bundles over tori.
- 28/11/2005 University of Leicester: Principal holomorphic torus bundles over tori.
- May 5-7 2006, Pisa, Conference ``Birational Geometry of Varieties'': Deformations of real and complex structures on principal torus bundles over tori.
- 18/11/2007 Universitaet zu Koeln: Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 30/01/2008 University of Pisa: Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 12/06/2008 University of Milano: Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 06/11/2008 University of Trento: Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 15/01/2009 Max-Planck-Institut fuer Mathematik Bonn: Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 22/01/2009 Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa January 22-24, Workshop: "Recenti sviluppi in geometria complessa e simplettica": Second Gaussian map and curvature of the moduli space of curves.
- 19/02/2009 Giornate di Geometria 2, Dipartimento di Matematica Universita' di Pavia: On the second Gaussian map for curve.
- 23/04/2009 University of Perugia: Alcuni risultati sulla seconda mappa gaussiana per curve.
- 27/05/2009 University of Parma: Seconda mappa gaussiana per curve.
- 05/09/2009 Workshop on Hodge Theory and Algebraic Geometry, Povo (Trento) 4-5 September 2009: Some results on the second Gaussian map for curves.
- 10/12/2009 University of Leicester: Some results on the second Gaussian map for curves.
- 9/4/2010 Seminari de Geometria Algebraica, Universitat de Barcelona/Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya: On the second Gaussian map for curves.
- 22/4/2010 Politecnico di Torino: Seconda mappa gaussiana per curve.
24/02/2011 GTM Seminar (Genova-Torino-Milano) "Some Topics in
Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry", Genova 24-25 February
2011: Prym map and 2nd gaussian
- 18/05/2011 Universita' di Pisa: Mappa di Prym e mappe gaussiane.
- 12-17 September 2011 Conference - ''XIX Congresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana'', Bologna, Italy: Mappa di Prym e mappe gaussiane.
- September 25th - October 1st, 2011 Oberwolfach conference: Complex Algebraic Geometry: Prym map and Gaussian maps.
- 06/10/2011 Workshop on Algebraic Surfaces and Related Topics, Poitiers 6-7 October 2011: Rank properties of the second canonical and Prym-canonical Gaussian maps.
- 01/11/2012 University of Hannover: On the Koszul cohomology of canonical and Prym-canonical binary curves.
- 21/11/2012 University of Bielefeld: Koszul cohomology of canonical and Prym-canonical binary curves.
- 12/12/2012 University of Bayreuth: Koszul cohomology of canonical and Prym-canonical binary curves.
- 30/01/2013 Universita` di Roma "Sapienza": Coomologia di Koszul per curve binarie canoniche e Prym-canoniche.
- 10/07/2013 Universita` di Milano, Workshop di Geometria Algebrica: Sottovarieta` totalmente geodetiche nel luogo jacobiano.
- 08-15 September 2013 - Conference: Classification of Algebraic Varieties and related topics", Cetraro: Totally geodesic submanifolds in the Jacobian locus.
-21/11/2013 Universite' de Poitiers: Sous-varietes totalement geodesiques dans le lieu jacobien.
- 4/12/2013 Universite' de Dijon: Sous-varietes totalement geodesiques dans le lieu jacobien.
- 19/12/2013 Max-Planck Institut fuer Mathematik Bonn - Oberseminar: Totally geodesic submanifolds in the Jacobian locus.
- March 17-19, 2014 Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn. Workshop: Brill-Noether methods in the study of hyper-Kaehler and Calabi-Yau manifolds: Totally geodesic submanifolds in the Torelli locus.
Workshop Firb (September 2014, Roma): Totally geodesic submanifolds in the Torelli locus.
Workshop: Geometria in Bicocca 2015 (Milano Bicocca February 5-6, 2015):
On the second fundamental form of the Torelli map.
Conference: Algebraic Geometry, March 12-14, 2015 Bayreuth (dedicated to Fabriz\
io Catanese on the occasion of his 65th birthday):
On the second fundamental form of the Torelli map.
7-12 settembre 2015, conference - "XX Congresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
", Siena, Italy:
On the second fundamental form of the Torelli map.
- 21/10/2015 Universita' di Torino:
Sottovarieta' totalmente geodetiche nel luogo Jacobiano.
- 24/11/2015 Universita' di Pisa: Sottovarieta' totalmente geodetiche nel luogo Jacobiano.
- 08.02.2016 - 09.02.2016 Universitaet Bayreuth: Miniworkshop on "Variations of Hodge structures, Shimura varieties and Torelli locus, surfaces uniformization": Examples of Shimura varieties contained in the Torelli locus.
- 29/08/2016-02/09/2016 The first Joint Meeting Brazil - Italy in Mathematics, IMPA, the Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro. On totally geodesic and Shimura subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus.
- 14/11/2016-16/11/2016 School " Geometry at the frontier I", Pucon, Chile. Title of the course: Introduction to abelian varieties and Jacobians.
- 16-18/11/2016 Workshop "Geometry at the frontier I", Pucon, Chile. Shimura subvarieties in the Jacobian and Prym loci.
- 28/2/2017 Universita' di Bologna: Sottovarieta' di Shimura contenute nel luogo di Torelli e nel luogo di Prym.
- 6/7/2017 "An Algebraic Geometry day in Como", Como.
On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus. \
- 4-8/12/2017 "School on Algebraic Geometry 2017", UNAM Campus Morelia, Mexico. Title of the course:
Second fundamental form of the Torelli map and Shimura subvarieties of A_g. \
- 22-26/1/2018 "Seventh Iberoamerican Congress on Geometry 2018", Valladolid, Spain. On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus. \ \
- 26/3/2018 SISSA-Trieste:
On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus. \span>
- 10/5/2018 University of Liverpool: On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus. \
- 4-7/6/2018 "LMS Regional Meeting and Workshop on 'Galois Covers, Grothendieck-Teichmueller Theory and Dessins d'enfants' ", Leicester, UK. On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus.
- 11-13/7/2018 "Recent Progress in the Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 Surfaces", Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Trento. On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus.
- 6-15/9/2018 "Differential, Algebraic and Topological Methods in Complex Algebraic Geometry", Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, Italy. On the Geometry of some Shimura subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus.
- 17-20/9/2018 "Joint meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union, the Italian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Polish Mathematical Society", Wroclaw, Poland. On Shimura subvarieties of A_g contained in the Prym locus.
- 15-01-19 Humboldt Universitaet zu Berlin, On the Geometry of some special subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus.
- 17-22/02/2019 Winter School "Geometry, Algebra and Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces and Configurations III", Dobbiaco (Toblach). Title of the course: Second fundamental form of the Torelli map and special subvarieties of Ag.
- 23-05-19 Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, On
the Geometry of some special subvarieties contained in the Torelli locus.
- 20-11-19 Workshop: "Algebraic Geometry in Calabria", Universita' della Calabria, On
the Geometry of the second fundamental form of the Torelli map.
- 18-02-21 Zag Seminar A canonical Hodge theoretic projective structure on compact Riemann surfaces.
- 21-09-21 Conference: "Riposte Armonie": Algebraic Geometry in Cetraro 2021, together with Ciro Ciliberto. Cetraro (Italy), September 21-24. A canonical Hodge theoretic projective structure on compact Riemann surfaces.
- 25-02-22 Universitat de Barcelona: Second fundamental form and Gaussian maps.
- 29-04-22 Universita` di Trieste: Second fundamental form and higher Gaussian maps.
- 10-06-22 Conference: Classical Elegance: the Geometry of Algebraic varieties. A Conference in honour of Rita Pardini’s 62th birthday. Palazzone di Cortona 7-10 June 2022 : On the second fundamental form of cubic threefolds.
- 28-11-22 Universita` di Torino On the second fundamental form of cubic threefolds.
- 20-25 February 2023 ICTS Discussion Meeting: "Topics in Hodge Theory", Bangalore (India). Course together with Alessandro Ghigi: "Differential geometry of the Torelli map".
- 12-05-23 UB Barcelona A canonical Hodge theoretic projective structure on compact Riemann surfaces.
-17-05-23 Universita` di Genova On the second fundamental form of cubic threefolds.
- 28-09-23 Conference: Joy in Algebraic Geometry. A Conference in honour of Rick Miranda for his 70th birthday. Levico Terme 26-29 September 2023 : Second fundamental form and higher Gaussian maps.
- 15-12-23 Conference: Workshop on Classical Algebraic Geometry. Center for Complex Geometry, IBS Science Culture Science Daejeon, Korea, 12-15 December 2023: On the local geometry of the moduli space of (2,2)-threefolds in A_9.
- 12-14-February 2024 Conference: AGaFe-2024. A conference in honor of Philippe Ellia on the occasion of his retirement, Ferrara, 12-14 February 2024:
On the local geometry of the moduli space of (2,2)-threefolds in A_9.
- 22 May 2024 Universita` di Trento Asymptotic directions in the moduli space of curves.
- June 17-21, 2024, MATH AMSUD workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Laboratoire Dieudonné, Université Côte d'Azur, Nice; Asymptotic directions in the moduli space of curves.
- September 16, 2024, VBAC weminar, "Special subvarieties of the moduli spaceof abelian varieties"; Asymptotic directions in the moduli space of curves.
- September 22-27, 2024, School on Hodge Theory and Shimura varieties, Essen; Asymptotic directions in the moduli space of curves.
-1996/97: exercise sessions for "Geometria II A", Pisa.
- In 1997/98: exercise sessions for the course "Analytic Geometry and linear Algebra, II", Math. Department of the University of Goettingen.
- From 2001 on I held (many times) the following courses in Pavia: Linear Algebra, Geometria 1, Geometria 2, Algebra 1 and Algebra 2.
Master courses: Riemann surfaces and algebraic curves (also valid for PhD students).
Complex geometry (also valid for PhD students). Istituzioni di Geometria, Istituzioni di Algebra. Geometria superiore (Introduction to algebraic geometry, also valid for PhD students).
PhD Courses:
2014-15: Abelian varieties and Jacobians (Pavia).
2022-2023: The Geometry of the Torelli map (Pavia).
- 2 Postdocs: Irene Spelta, Dario Faro.
- 5 PhD students: Paola Porru (completed in 2018), Irene Spelta (completed in 2020), Gian Paolo Grosselli (completed in 2022), Dario Faro (completed in 2024), Antonio Lacopo (third year PhD student).
- 10 Master Degree students.
- 28 Bachelor Degree students.
- From 22/12/21 I am member of the govering board and an editor of "Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata".
- Colombo, E., Fantechi, B., Frediani, P., Iacono, D., Pardini, R., "Birational Geometry and Moduli Spaces", Springer INdAM Series, 2020.
-Member of the scientific committee of GNSAGA (INdAM).
-Member of the "collegio docenti del Dottorato" (board for graduate studies) in Pavia, since 2012 .
-Vice-coordinator of the PhD program: Pavia-Milano Bicocca-INdAM 2021-2024.
-Coordinator of the PhD program: Pavia-Milano Bicocca-INdAM-Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 2024-2027.
-Responsible for the Erasmus program for the Department of Mathematics in Pavia.