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About AIROYoung

We are pleased to invite you to the 9th AIROYoung Workshop. After the workshops held in Rome (2017, 2019, 2022), Cosenza (2018), Bozen (2020), Milan (2023), and Rende (2024), and the online version organized in 2021, the 9th Edition of AIROYoung Workshop, with the title “Shaping a Sustainable Future in the Era of Big Data” will be held in Pavia (Italy), at Università degli Studi di Pavia from the 26th to the 28th of February 2025.

Shaping a Sustainable Future in the Era of Big Data

Optimization and Data Science have emerged as hot topics in recent years, as businesses and researchers seek to maximize efficiency and extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data. These fields are at the forefront of technological advancements, driving innovation and shaping the future of various industries. Additionally, these disciplines are vital in addressing the complex challenges of the future. From optimizing resource allocation and supply chain management to tackling climate change and healthcare optimization, these fields offer powerful tools and methodologies to tackle the multifaceted problems of the future.

Important Dates

  • Nov 27, 2024 - Registration and Grant Application opening
  • Jan 3, 2025 - Abstract submission deadline
    Jan 10, 2025 - Abstract submission extension
  • Jan 20, 2025 - Notification of Acceptance
  • Feb 8, 2025 - Speaker Confirmation & Proof of Travel
Thanks to the financial support offered by AIRO and our sponsors, we are able to provide 16 GRANTS to cover accommodation expenses for the entire event. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis to participants who:
  • Present their work at the Workshop,
  • Indicate their interest in applying for the grant during the registration process,
  • Are current or prospective AIRO members.
In order for a grant to be confirmed, it is required to send proofs of AIRO membership and travel booking to no later than February 8th, 2025.

Event Starts In:

Invited Speakers

Ruth Misener
Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Read more →
Luca Maria Gambardella
Full Professor
Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera Italiana
Read more →
Neil Yorke-Smith
Associate Professor
Faculty of EEMCS, Delft University of Technology
Read more →


10:00 - 10:30

Opening Session

10:30 - 11:30

Keynote Talk - Bayesian optimization for mixed feature spaces using tree kernels and graph kernels

Ambrogio Maria Bernardelli
We investigate Bayesian optimization for mixed‑feature spacesusing both tree kernels and graph kernels for Gaussian processes. With respect to trees kernels, our Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Kernel (BARK)uses tree agreement to define a posterior over sum‑of‑tree functions. Withrespect to graph kernels, our acquisition function with shortest paths encoded allows us to optimize over graphs, for instance to find the best graphstructure and/or node features. We formulate both acquisition functions using mixed-integer optimization and show applications to a variety of challenges in molecular design, engineering and machine learning.

11:30 - 12:45

Talk Session 1: Cities Mobility

Lorenzo Peirano
Anna Laura Pala
"Developing a vehicle re‑routing algorithm based on VMS integration for traffic congestion mitigation"
Luca Pirolo
"Design of e‑bike recharging infrastructure solving min‑max MIPs via binary search"
Silvia Iuliano
"A Welfare Maximization‑based Methodology for on‑line Orchestration of Grid‑connected Electric Buses"
Dario Palasgo
"Exact Algorithms for the Two‑Stage Robust Location Routing Problem"
Lorenzo Peirano
"Real‑time rerouting of traffic flows to prevent disruptions"

12:45 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 14:55

Industry Session 1

Davide Duma
Vassilios Yfantis (Gurobi)
"Solving MINLPs with gurobipy"
Vittoria Crotti (Multiprotexion)
"Save for Fleet: a stop and refueling routing optimization for transportation companies"

14:55 - 16:10

Talk Session 2: Healthcare Management

Martina Doneda
Arianna Freda
"Optimization of solid organ transplantation management through simulation‑based approaches"
Dario Nicola Marchese
"Post‑triage patient reallocation in emergency department networks"
Luca Murazzano
"Uncovering the Impact of COVID‑19 on Clinical Pathways for Pulmonary Patients: A Process Mining Approach"
Aleyna Gürsoy
"Scheduling Blood Components Production: a Real‑Life Case Study"
Martina Doneda
"Robust operating rooms advance scheduling with probabilistic regression"

16:10 - 16:40

Coffee Break and Poster Session

16:40 - 17:40

Talk Session 3: Logistics and Waste Management

Andrea Spinelli
Luca G. Wrabetz
"Online Facility Location with Recurring Maximum Demand"
Lorenzo Perinello
"A hybrid genetic algorithm with an exact decoding procedure for the fair and static balancing of electric vehicles"
Lorenzo Mazza
"Waste collection and sensor information: a data‑driven approach to compute its value"
Andrea Spinelli
"A rolling horizon heuristic approach for a multi‑stage stochastic waste collection problem"

17:40 - 20:00

Social Event: Guided Tour

09:00 - 10:00

Talk Session 4: OR for Real-world Problems - Part 1

Martina Cerulli
Alessia Ciacco
"Autonomous Vehicles for precision agriculture operations"
Luca Nerozzi
"Crop Rotation Problems with Sustainability Constraints"
Filippo Brunelli
"Efficient computation of betweenness centrality in temporal graphs"
Martina Cerulli
"A Lagrangian relaxation approach for the Cluster Deletion Problem"

10:00 - 11:00

Coffee Break / Poster Exhibition with Jury Interview

Alex Barrales-Araneda
"A solution method for the Train Dispatching Problem"
Lorenzo Ciarpaglini
"A novel Minibatch Algorithm for large-scale optimization"
Fabio Ciccarelli
"Weight-splitting upper bounds on the edge-weighted clique number of a graph"
Matteo Cosmi
"Profitability and sustainability in complex chemical value chains under product-specific carbon footprint constraints"
Alice Daldossi
"Operating room scheduling with fair work- load and proper training for residents"
Alessandro Druetto
"OR Applications: Optimal Data Hiding in Radiographic Images"
William Farokhzad
"Design and Prototype of a Smart Sorting System Integrating Image Processing with Deep Learning and Weight-Based Classification"
Rafael Maranhão Rego Praxedes
"Cost Optimization in Bicycle Networks"
Tymoteusz Przeklasa
"A Graph-Based Football League Scheduling Problem"
Lorenzo Saccucci
Machine Learning for re-optimization: A pipeline to efficiently tackle Vehicle routing problem with time windows when demand variations occur"
Diego Scuppa
"A Gradient Method with Momentum for Riemannian Manifolds"
Riccardo Tomassini
"Approximation and exact penalization in simple bilevel variational problems"
Katarzyna Gdowska
"A Multi-Period Hydrogen Refuelling Station Location Problem"

11:00 - 12:00

Talk Session 5: Scheduling and Logistics

Alessandro Druetto
Robert Szczyrbak
"How to pack goods efficiently? The usage of the Production Scheduling Model based on the Food Industry example"
Francesco Cavaliere
"Daily Planning of Acquisitions and Scheduling of Dynamic Downlinks for the PLATiNO Satellite"
Amin Roshanizarmehri
"A Bi‑Objective Model for Multimodal Container Transportation Considering Waiting Time as a Key Decision Variable"
Alessia Giulianetti
"Evaluating Optimization Performance for Container Terminals: A Simulation‑Based Study with Witness Horizon"

12:00 - 12:40

Industry Session 2

Matteo Cosmi
Pietro Belotti (FICO)
"Solving global optimization problems with FICO Xpress"
Matteo Goretti (beSharp)
"Machine Learning in the Cloud: It’s Not Just a GPU with WiFi!"

12:40 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:00

Talk Session 6: Vehicle Routing

Claudio Tomasi
Anthony Palmieri
"Quantum Integer Programming for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem"
Federico Michelotto
"A Parallel Metaheuristic Framework for Very Large Instances of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem"
Veronica Mosca
"Multi‑Objective VRP Considering Product Quality and Environmental Impact Using Air‑Conditioning System"

15:00 - 16:00

Keynote Talk - AI in industry and academia: war or alliance?

Eleonora Vercesi
After many years in academia and business, I would like to share my thoughts on the role of academia and industry in the field of artificial intelligence today. There are trends to consider and opportunities to evaluate in order to understand what the future looks like in this area. War or alliance? ... I say (this will be revealed during my talk).

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break and Poster Exhibition

16:30 - 18:00

Talk Session 7: Machine Learning and Optimization

Sara Cambiaghi
Ilaria Ciocci
"Effects of Block Decomposition on Deep Neural Network Training Efficiency"
Antonio Consolo
"A decomposition algorithm for sparse and fair soft regression trees"
Letizia Moro
"Learning Primal Heuristics for 0–1 Knapsack Interdiction Problems"
Gabriele Sanguin
"Exploring the Potential of Bilevel Optimization for Calibrating Neural Networks"
Alessia De Crescenzo
"Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Stochastic Scheduling"
Pınar Yunusoğlu
"Q‑Learning‑Based Iterated Greedy Algorithms for the Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem"

20:00 - 23:00

Social Dinner at La Posta

Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 24d, 27100 Pavia

09:00 - 10:00

Talk Session 8: OR for Real-world Problems - Part 2

Gabor Riccardi
Nicolò Gusmeroli
"A Mixed‑Integer Nonlinear Problem for Voltage Regulation"
Martina Luzzi
"Capacity and pricing optimization in car rental: a tactical‑operative approach"
Lavinia Ghilardi
"Optimal gas pipelines operation: sustainability and sector coupling"
Gabor Riccardi
"A Constraint Disaggregation Method for Structure‑Preserving Aggregations in LP Problems: Application to Renewable Energy Grids with Hydrogen Storage"

10:00 - 10:30

Coffee Break and Poster Exhibition

10:30 - 11:45

Talk Session 9: Modern Transportation Systems

Marta Leonina Tessitore
Lin Yang
"Short‑term Adjustment of Train Unit Circulation and Platform Assignment: A Branch‑and‑Check Method"
Martina Galeazzo
"An Integer Programming Model for the Dynamic Airspace Configuration problem"
Feilong Wang
"The Flying Dial‑A‑Ride Problem for Urban Air Mobility"
Khawar Bashir
"A Solution Approach for Optimizing Train Unloading Operations"
Marta Leonina Tessitore
"How to Apply the Concept of Fragility in a Tactical Timetabling Process"

11:45 - 12:45

Industry Session 3

Bernardo Forni
Gabriele Lombardi (Argo VISION)
"Halide auto‑scheduling: an open problem in combinatorial optimization"
Riccardo Bagarotti (DaisyLabs)
"Automated Extraction, Visual Recognition, Resource Allocation, and Intelligent Chatbots in Data Science"
Aurora Cancelli, Sercan Arabici (Fedegari)
"Accelerating Intelligent Document Access for Industry 5.0 through AI‑Powered Agents"

12:45 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:15

Keynote Talk - Machine Learning Augmented Branch and Bound for Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Simone Milanesi
Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is a pillar of mathematical optimisation that offers a powerful modelling language for a widerange of applications. The main engine for solving MILPs is the branch‑and‑bound algorithm. Adding to the enormous algorithmic progress in MILPsolving of the past decades, in more recent years there has been an explosive development in the use of machine learning for enhancing the maintasks involved in the branch‑and‑bound algorithm. These include primalheuristics, branching, cutting planes, node selection and solver configuration decisions. This talk gives a taste of such approaches, addressing thevision of integration of machine learning and mathematical optimisationas complementary technologies, and how this integration can benefit MILPsolving. We give detailed attention to machine learning algorithms that automatically optimise some metric of branch‑and‑bound efficiency. We alsoaddress appropriate MILP representations, and mention benchmarks andsoftware tools used in the context of applying learning algorithms.

15:15 - 16:00

Talk Session 10: Efficient Algorithms - Part 1

Enis Chenchene
Giacomo Maggiorano
"An improved (strongly polynomial) combinatorial algorithm for the nucleolus in Convex Games"
Bernis Colakoglu
"Matheuristic Approaches for a Practical Flow–Shop Scheduling Problem"
Enis Chenchene
"A Generalized Fast Krasnoselkii–Mann Method with Application to Optimal Transport"

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break and Poster Exhibition

16:30 - 17:15

Talk Session 10: Efficient Algorithms - Part 1

Andrea Mancuso
Koppány Encz
"Branch‑and‑bound Algorithms as Polynomial‑time Approximation Schemes"
Carmine Sorgente
"Branch‑and‑cut algorithms for colorful components problems"
Andrea Mancuso
"The Covering Tour Problem with Path Upgrades"

17:15 - 18:00

Closing Session: Award Cerimony & AY meeting

Registration and Awards


Registrations will open the 27th of November, 2024. During the registration you will be asked to apply for the accomodation grant (if needed).

Abstract Submission

Abstracts must be sent by the 3rd of January, 2025 by clicking the button below. The notification of acceptance will be given by the 20th of January, 2025.
We are pleased to announce three awards that will recognize high quality contributions at the workshop.

OPTIT "OR in practice" Presentation Prize: This award recognizes the best talk, focusing on research related to a real-world application (pure methodological or theoretical presentations are excluded).
To apply for the award, you must indicate your candidature during the abstract submission. You will then be required to submit the slides used for your talk by February 20 via a link that will be provided at a later date after the closing of abstract submission.

Fedegari Best Poster Prize: This award recognizes the best contribution in the Poster Session. The application is automatic upon submission of a poster abstract.

Winners will be awarded on February 28 during the Closing Session with a certificate and a monetary prize. More details will be provided in the coming weeks.

We are excited to announce that a proceedings publication will follow the 9th AIROYoung Workshop! This volume is tailored for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and young professionals who attended the workshop. Additionally, we welcome contributions from all interested authors, regardless of attendance.
We are also happy to announce the Best Paper Award, sponsored by SEA Vision and ARGO Vision, for the most outstanding contribution to the proceedings.
Stay tuned for more information, which will be available soon HERE


How To Get Here

The proposed venue for the workshop is Aula Scarpa at the University of Pavia. The precise address is Corso Strada Nuova 65, ground floor. This venue is a 15-minute walk from Pavia train station.
In Milan, there are three different airports, all of which are connected to the center of Milan:

  • Linate: You can use metro line M4 (blue) to reach Milano Dateo station. Additionally, there are bus options available, which you can check here: Linate Bus Options.
  • Malpensa: We suggest taking the "Malpensa Express," which directly arrives at Milano Centrale. You can purchase tickets here: Malpensa Express Tickets.
  • Orio al Serio: We recommend using the OrioShuttle to reach Milano Centrale. More information can be found at OrioShuttle. Other services can be found at the following link: Bergamo Airport Bus Services.
From Milano Dateo, Milano Repubblica or Milano Porta Venezia, you can take the S13 (“Passante” - two per hour). From Milano Centrale and back, you can take Intercity 637 (one per hour) or regional trains. Another option is to go to Milano Rogoredo using metro line M3. From there, several options can lead you to Pavia.

By Plane

For attendees arriving by plane, please note that Pavia can be easily reached from Milan in several ways. You can book your flight using the following link

Search Tickets →
By Train

We recommend consulting Trenord, Trenitalia, and the Milan Metro.

Trenord →
Trenitalia →
Milan Metro Map →

If you arrive by car, we recommend utilizing the free parking spot at the following link

Check Route →
University Map

A map of the University of Pavia is a available at the link below. The workshop is held at the Aula Scarpa.

Check Map →

Facilities & Accommodations

In Pavia, there are several accommodation solutions, both has hotels and entire apartments. Use the link below to search for them on Booking

Search Hotels

Organization Committee
Contact us at

Organizing Committee
  • Ambrogio Bernardelli UNIPV
  • Bernardo Forni UNIPV
  • Davide Duma UNIPV
  • Eleonora Vercesi USI - IDSIA (USI - SUPSI)
  • Gabor Riccardi UNIPV
  • Sara Cambiaghi UNIPV
  • Simone Milanesi UNIPV
  • Claudio Tomasi UNIBG
AIROYoung Board of Directors
  • Matteo Cosmi
  • Andrea Mancuso
  • Martina Doneda
  • Sara Stoia
  • Marta Leonina Tessitore
  • Alessandro Druetto
