Papers by Anna Torre
"Share opportunity sets and cooperative games " International game theory review 10, 02, (205,218) (2008 ).,
issue 2. (con Caprari E. , Patrone F., Tijs S.)
"Discretization of information collecting situations and
continuity of compensation rules" MMOR 57, 2, (299,308) (2003),
issue 2. (con Branzei R., Scotti F., Tijs S.)
"Approximate fixed point theorems" to appear in Libertas Mathematica, vol. 23, 2003 ( with Branzei R. Tijs S.)
"Hadamard and Tykhonov well-posedness in two player games"
International game theory review 5(4) 2003 ( with Graziano Pieri)
"The nucleolus is well posed" Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 314,2 (412,422) 2006 (with Patrone F. Fragnelli V.)
R. Lucchetti, A. Torre
Classical Hyperspace Topologies and Convergences
Set -valued Analysis, to appear.
A. Torre
On consistent solution for strategic games
International Journal of Games Theory, 27 (1998), 181-200.
F. Patrone, A. Torre
Topologies on von Neumann-Morgenstern preferences and applications to Game
preprint (1994).
R. Lucchetti, A. Torre
Classical Set Convergence and Topologies
Set-valued Analysis, 2 (1994), 219-240.
R. Lucchetti, A. Torre
A Topology for the Solid Subsets of a Topological Space
Canadian Mathematical Bull., 36 (1993), 197-208.
R. Lucchetti, F. Patrone, S. Tijs, A. Torre
$\lambda$-transfer and Harsanyi NTU-values: individual rationality,:
individual rationality,stability and degenerate solutions
Cahiers du CERO, 33 (1991), 103-121.
F. Patrone, A. Torre
Genericity results for Convex Functions with applications to Games and
Production Theory
Boll. U.M.I., 1-A (1987), 417-424.
R. Lucchetti, F. Patrone, S. Tijs, A. Torre
Continuity properties of solution concepts for cooperative games
O.R. Spectrum, 9 (1987), 101-107.
F. Patrone, A. Torre
Characterizations of existence and uniqueness for saddle point problems and
related topics
Boll. U.M.I. An. Funz. Appl. VI, 5 (1986), 176-184.
M.P. Bernardi, A. Torre
Alcune questioni di esistenza e continuita per (m,n)-fibrazioni e
Boll. U.M.I., 3-B (1984), 611-622.
G. Balconi, A. Torre
Grafi autopposti e strutture di incidenza autoduali
Boll. U.M.I., 1-B (1982), 991-1002.
M.P. Bernardi, A. Torre
Problemi di estensione per fibrazioni proiettive
Boll. U.M.I., 18-B (1981), 989-1002.
F. Scotti, A. Torre
Caratterizzazioni dei commutati di B.I.B. disegni
Boll. U.M.I., 15-A (1978), 660-666.
F. Scotti, A. Torre
Grafi triangolati tracciabili sul toro
Ist. Lombardo, (A)110 (1976), 520-530.
A. Torre
Una generalizzazione delle fibrazioni proiettive e reticoli geometrici
Ist. Lombardo, (A)109 (1975), 370-381.